Guest Programmer On TCM: Part One: Classic Films I Think Everyone Should See

If you are a TCM mega fan like me you've thought about if you'd ever get the chance to be the Guest Programmer on TCM what films you'd pick to share. If you're unfamiliar with what a guest programmer is it's this. Usually every month (February and August are 31 Days of Oscar and Summer Under the Stars so there are no guest programmers those months) a famous person (usually an actor) sits down with host Robert Osborne and discusses 4 (sometimes 3) classic films they love. All films are shown and the guests have picked every kind of film from silents to musicals to current films.
I have decided to divide this up into several parts, since there are so many films I enjoy. The first part is titled Classic Films I Think Everyone Should See. Just like the title in my opinion these are films every person should see at least once.

To Kill A Mockingbird (1962)
Directed By: Robert Mulligan
Starring: Gregory Peck, Mary Badham, Phillip Alford and Robert Duvall
Running Time: 129 Minutes
Based on Harper Lee's novel of the same name.

Guess Who's Coming To Dinner (1967)
Directed By: Stanley Kramer
Starring: Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn, Sidney Poitier and Katharine Houghton
Running Time: 108 Minutes

A Patch of Blue (1965)
Directed By: Guy Green
Starring: Sidney Poitier, Elizabeth Hartman and Shelly Winters
Running Time: 105 Minutes
Based on the novel Be Ready With Bells and Drums by Elizabeth Kata

Imitation of Life (1959)
Directed By: Douglas Sirk
Starring: Lana Turner, Juanita Moore, Sandra Dee and Susan Kohner
Running Time: 125 Minutes
This is a remake, the first film was released in 1934 and it's based on the novel of the same name by Fannie Hurst

Stay tuned for part two, next week.
Until Next Time,
Ashley A. 


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