Summer Under The Stars 2016
Here's the stars scheduled for August's Summer Under The Stars. Visit TCM for the full schedule. August 1st - Edward G. Robinson August 2nd - Lucille Ball August 3rd - Bing Crosby August 4th - Fay Wray August 5th- Karl Malden August 6th - Montgomery Clift August 7th - Jean Harlow August 8th - Esther Williams August 9th - Tim Holt August 10th - Hedy Lamarr August 11th - Spencer Tracy August 12th - Janet Gaynor August 13th - Ralph Richardson August 14th - Cyd Charisse August 15th - Roddy McDowall August 16th - Anne Baxter August 17th - James Edwards August 18th- Angie Dickinson August 19th - Ruby Keeler August 20th - Humphrey Bogart August 21st - Bette Davis August 22nd - Robert Montgomery August 23rd - Brigitte Bardot August 24th - Constance Cummings August 25th - Van Johnson August 26th - Boris Karloff August 27th - James Garner August 28th - Jean Arthur August 29th - Charles Boyer August 30th - Jean Simmons August 31st - Dean Martin ...